
Camping Pics - Labor Day Weekend 2008

We made it back from camping up in the Uintas. We ended up leaving on Sunday because there was a big storm that rolled in that afternoon. The camping trip was pretty lazy. We ate a lot, drank a lot, played cards, hiked a little, rode 4-wheelers, and had some great camp fires! My new tent was awesome! Lola had fun - she managed to be the dirtiest in camp! Oh and I saw a bear! Yeah! Scary! I freaked myself out both nights with all of the different sounds then I finally saw one! Although, the minute I shined my flashlight on it, it took off faster than you could blink. LOL! So much for me being afraid! I managed to do pretty well eating-wise, but I didn't keep track. I guess I'll find out how well I did (or didn't) do tonight. I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!! :)

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