
Che'mon, Spring!

Somehow I was able to look at my blog today...at work! I was going to post something, but I was nervous. I felt like I was committing a crime or something, so I hurry and logged off. HAHA! Maybe the whole blocking thing was just some IT dude being cranky and he's better now. Maybe he drank a Red Bull or got some. Either way, I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can access my blog at work again.

Life continues to truck along for Miss Lola Grizzle and me. I only have about two weeks of school left this quarter. Woohoo! So far I'm on track to get A's in all of my classes. Hopefully I do well on my finals! Lola is just doing her thing. Her plucky little attitude never fails to amaze me. I make every effort to be home as much as I can, but regardless, she's just a happy little soul.

I'm going to San Francisco to see my cousins in about two weeks. I have a week off in between quarters, so I'm taking advantage and going away for a long weekend. Then in April, I'm going to Moab and 4-wheeling later in the month. Should be a fun couple weeks coming up!

I hope everyone else is enjoying the sunshine! I can't wait for Spring! Baby chicks! Loves all! xoxoxAC

2 amigos said...:

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

MMmm - I want me some baby chicks! They're just so cute and fuzzy :}

Adam and Sarah said...

Ace! It's a... BOY!