
Impressionist X-Ray Art

I took my first "live" x-ray last night. It was good times fo sho! I don't know why I get so excited about this stuff, but I suppose it's a good sign. :) My lab partner and I decided to not play it safe and chose to do a thoracic (chest) view on a big dog. Our first x-ray...not so good. When you push the foot pedal to take the picture, the machine starts whirring. The dog was actually pretty calm until he heard the machine start up, when he tried to bail and roll off the table. The x-ray looked like blurry bones rolling through the film! We deemed it "art". LOL! Our professor wanted to show the class what movement on the film looked like, so it was actually a score for us. HA! Our second film turned out AWESOME. Our dog held still (and we had a better grip!) and the x-ray turned out perfect. :D

I already have midterms next week. EEEP! This quarter is seriously flying by!

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