
JESUS RUVS YOU...even in Vegas :)


I got home a couple hours ago from Vegas. I've decided flying is the only way to go. Six hour car ride versus 50-minute flight? Yeah. Upon arriving home, it was an oven baked pizza followed by a three hour nap. Good times.

Vegas was so much fun! It was fun to hang with my family this time. We ate some delicious food and did a lot of laughing. Oh and a lot of walking...in flip flops. Whatever. Sore feet and a tired body are always indications of a good time in Vegas.

Zach and Mel's wedding was AWESOME! There was no fuss...just a low-key dinner followed by one of the funnest wedding ceremonies under the bright "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign and a crazy limo drive. Even though it was my baby brother, I didn't cry. I couldn't. I could only smile as we were surrounded by some great people while people drove by screaming, "CONGRATULATIONS!" Finishing the night dancing with everyone at a kick-ass bar just topped it off. Congrats to my baby brother and my new sister! :)

Here are a couple highlights from the trip:
  • My brother's wedding. Duh!
  • Forgetting my room number and getting lost on the first night. Oh and having to use the bathroom in a MAJOR way. Rad.
  • Margaritas and nachos from Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville.
  • Wearing a pretty dress and getting glammed out for a Vegas-style wedding.
  • A cold Bud Light after walking (and walking and walking) The Strip in flip-flops.
  • The Bellagio fountains. Classic.
  • Asian people on the street, preaching and reminding us all that, "JESUS RUVS YOU!"
I got home to a super hyper puppy. It's good to be missed. :)

Viva Las Vegas!

1 amigos said...:

Adam and Sarah said...

"Jesus ruvs you" Ha! Hil-freakin'-arious! I love it! Congrats on the new sist-ah, that's awesome!