
Finals & Craftiness

I have two more weeks of school and I'm done for the quarter! YAY! My final research paper is due in English this week, followed by a final exam next week, and then I have a final exam for Biology next week. I'm sooo looking forward to starting my vet medicine classes next quarter! I got all of my books ordered last week. You can actually go through the school and they'll just add it into your tuition payments, but it's cheaper to buy them online through used stores or using online coupons. So I'm a little (read: a lot) broke right now, but it'll save me money in the long run. Oh and I have to buy scrubs! WOO! I'm really looking forward to the day when my work uniforms are comfy scrubs and tennis shoes instead of boring office attire. :D

After I finish up the quarter, I have about three weeks off from school. Depending on the money situation, I'm really hoping to make a quilt for my bed. I was going to buy one, but I'm a picky bitch and the only ones that I'm really liking are just too expensive. Plus, I found some cute quilt pictures online that I'm hoping to manipulate a little into something fabulous! Oh and I FINALLY want to make my apron! I didn't have time to get that done over the Thanksgiving break, so I'm super excited to do that!

Other than that, I'm just looking forward to Christmas! The cousins will be here from San Francisco, I get to meet my best friend's new fiance and I'll soon be sporting a disgustingly fabulous Christmas sweater! BHAAAA!

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