
Happy New Year!

Well I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I know I did! I was able to spend some time with my family and friends. Honestly, that's my favorite part of the holidays. Seeing my cousins, going to our annual Christmas Eve party with the gang, singing karaoke on Christmas day at the Highlander, and just enjoying a lazy Christmas morning with my parents and brother are what makes me smile the most! Although, I have to mention some of the lovely loot I got hooked up with this year! My parents outdid themselves again with a cute new bedspread, running shoes, gas & grocery gift cards, new pj's and lots of other goodies. Oh and my mom got the family a Wii! YAY! We spent Christmas day having bowling tournaments. And yes, I kick ASS at bowling! My friend, Katie, surprised me with a pink/camo hat from the Miranda Lambert store! AHHH! I was so excited to get this! Oh and Zach bought me the new Miranda Lambert hoodie too! WOOO! They're both super cute - I LOVE them! My friend Adrien brought me back three pashminas (scarves) - two from India, one from Thailand. They're so beautiful! And last, but definitely not least, my parents got me a veterinary stethoscope! EEEEEE! I knew this was coming, but dammit I was excited when I opened it! It's one of the best ones out there and should last a really long time! I spent most of the day listening to Lola's and everyone else's heartbeat! I'm happy to report we're all alive and breathing! HAHA!

Speaking of stethoscopes and doggies, I start my actual veterinary courses on Monday, January 5th! YAY! As indicated in previous posts, I'm more than a little excited!!! HAHA! I also have two general courses - a total of 13 credit hours. I was only going to do 11, but there's a small 2-hour required credit course that I just want to get over and done with. After that, I'll have about 10-11 credit hours per quarter which should definitely be manageable with my job. I just figure for the next three months, there won't be a lot going on so I'm just going to buckle down and get through this quarter. Although, if you don't see or hear from me too much in the next little while, you now know why!

I'm looking forward to New Year's Eve tomorrow. I'm not sure what I'll be doing yet... It's either a home-cooked delicious dinner, "Assassin's Creed" on xBox (YEAH!) and an early bed time...or...a party with the friends. I honestly have never really loved New Year's Eve parties. It's just another party. My favorite New Year's was in Mexico with my family and our close friends, but yeah...I was in Mexico and there was free champagne! HAHA! Whatever I decide, I'm looking forward to 2009 however I ring it in - sleeping or screaming! :D

This last year has been a magnificent one. I started the year out being totally encompassed by another person and had visions of my life heading in a certain direction. However, it didn't work, my heart was broke and I was sad. It took me about six months of lonely country songs, a little anger and a lot of humor to start looking at other boys again. I sometimes still find myself wishing for a simple text or quick phone call, but my sick sense of humor can only think, "Thanks for the tent, bitch!" BUWAHAHA! I also managed to find my way back to something I grew up dreaming about: working with animals. I have no idea where this choice is ultimately going to take me, but the anticipation is an amazing feeling! I moved out of Girl World this year and into a place of my own, only to end up living with my baby brother again. On top of all of that, I started this blog, lost 38 pounds and met Miranda Lambert! YEAH! This year has been so incredibly trying, busy, and sometimes a little scary, but of course (and always)...absolutely messy and beautiful. :)

Happy New Year and Mucho Amor from A.C. & Lola Grizzle! xoxox

1 amigos said...:

jer and lous crew said...

your so awesome...and i love you so much...i am in tears after reading that and i think your amazing...wish i was closer so i could enjoy your wonderful personality more...take care and hope to see you sooner then later...loves from us