

Ahhhh... That is the sigh of utter relaxation. My break so far has been super lovely. I hate to say that I haven't exactly taken advantage of the past few days off and been productive, but I definitely have enjoyed them so, so much. I'm pretty sure the Grizzle has enjoyed them too. We've just done whatever we want - hung out on the couch, taken walks down to the river, played guitar, watched a little "Hannah Montana", sat out on the porch after the sun goes down... Again...ahhhh. :)

Speaking of walks, there have been no more skunk sightings. Thank goodness for that! I mentioned before that I wasn’t super afraid of getting sprayed. Yeah, well...I lied. I remember some family member's dogs getting sprayed and how their house had skunk smell for a while after - I definitely don’t want that in my place! I also realized that if I were to get sprayed, I would probably have to chuck the clothes I was wearing. Of course, that would have to happen AFTER I took them off...on my porch...so they didn't get inside my apartment. Translation: I would have to get naked on my porch. NO! HAHA! I already have issues with my neighbors thinking I’m "strange" for various reasons - I don’t think I need to give them another. BHAAAA! So there’s that.

I went camping with some friends this weekend. I love my friends. Despite the fact that I've been absent from most social activities the past three months due to being super busy with school, we had a great time and it was like I'd never missed anything. We went out to the west desert to do some night wheeling. I got to ride with my friend Jeff in his rig, which is an experience all by itself. LOL! I never fail to laugh when I’m around him. It was really good to hang out with everyone. We had a good time by the campfire, laughing our butts off at various things. Particularly that our friend believed us that along with mountain lions, there were wild, dangerous BARRACUDAS in the desert. BUWAHAHA!

One last thing. I had to steal and share this picture. This is my cousin Charlei. That little foot sticking up is her older brother Breckyn's...in the aftermath of being pushed over in the kiddie pool. LMAO! I about spit coffee on my computer screen this morning when I saw that. So funny! Little kids rule!

It feels like summer is officially here. Yay for that! I love me some long, summer evenings. xoxoxAC

1 amigos said...:

jer and lous crew said...

you 2 rock...sounds like life is good...love you tons and can't wait to go see RAN with you in a few week...YEA...loves