
Say NO to the Dress Place

I'm home from a long day of wedding dress shopping with Adrie and her mom (Vicki-Mom). We went to two stores. The first one SUCKED! The people didn't help at all. They didn't ask Adrie what she wanted and they didn't even help her try on the frickin' dresses! I ended up helping her in and out of them. I was more than happy to help her and we definitely got some good giggles in about tulle and about the best way to get out of a dress (HA!), but I was blown away that the sales people weren't helping us. And we were the only people in there!!! Oh wait...the sales lady did pull some FUGLY ASS dresses for her to try on then offer super obscure compliments. GAH! Seriously?! I was tempted to smack her upside the back of the head! The second place was great, though. Vicki-Mom and I were able to sit down and "oooohhhh" & "aaahhhh" over dresses. Adrie looked sooo pretty! I got a little teary in the beginning, but after that it was all good. Adrie found some favorites, but not sure if she hit The One...yet. I took loads of pics, but I can't post them in case her fiance somehow happens upon my blog. :( It was really fun, though. I always, always, ALWAYS laugh my butt off with Adrie. I'm so happy for her and I can't wait 'til her wedding! :D

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