
Happy Birthday, Mudda!

The baby cousins are in town, going to get all girl-ed up today, it's the elephant's birthday on Saturday! WOO! Who could ask for a better weekend?!?!

I'm working a half day today, then me, my mom, Aunt Lou, and Grandma Lou are going to our "girl" on - facials, pedicures and manicures! YAY! My mom's birthday is on Saturday which also happens to coincide with the elephant's birthday at Hogle Zoo! They're celebrating by passing out 1,000 cupcakes! Ahhh yeah...bring on the screaming children and frosting delight! LOL! Saturday night, the whole fam-damily is gathering for Mexican Fiesta for my mom's birthday! Can you believe my mom's been here for a whole 35 years?! BUWAHAHAHAHA! AND...it's Father's Day on Sunday! We're celebrating by going to a baseball game. Nothing says family together-ness like ballpark hot dogs and beer! :D

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Cupcake dreams for all!

Happy Birthday, my Mudda! I love you always! :)

1 amigos said...:

Anonymous said...

I love you too my favorite daughter. If I am only 35 - you were born when I was 7 years old - call the guinnes book of world records.....

Happy Birthday Dari - so glad I could share my birthday with an elephant.

Love your mudda