

"Don't give up what you want most
for what you want at the moment"

I saw this phrase a couple weeks ago...and I like it. It's my new mantra. Food is such a temporary pleasure. I'm the first to admit that it's delicious and scrumptious and tempting and so many other things. But, can you tell me about that really great meal you had two months ago that you couldn't say "no" to? Yeah me either. There are so many other things in life that actually and truly matter that food is not worth caving in for. I'm no saint. I haven't had some miraculous change in persona. But, I'm on my way to having less lapses. I'm going to do my best to keep this saying fresh in my head at all times. Not only for food, but for those little things that I think I "need" right at that moment, then think later "why did I buy this??" LOL!

Here's to rembering what I really want in this life...


Week Ten

Well...it was bound to happen. I gained 0.2 pounds last night. LOL! Isn't that pathetic? You'd think if I was gonna have a "gain" week, I could at least do better than that! I'm not at all phased by this. I had a "treat day" last week so I'm sure that has something to do with it. I'm back on the plan, though. Tracking and eating well! Oh and hiking around the mountains next week! WOO!

Viva La Resistance!


Goal: 25%

I've determined my next weight loss goal: 25% of my total body weight. Yep.

I just lost a little more than 10% of my beginning body weight, so I'm less than 15% away from this goal, but it's a little more weight than the first goal. So...I'm getting bigger on the goals...but smaller on the size. WOO! Lame joke! Bada-boomp-chow! HAHA!

I went out last night and had my treat. I enjoyed a delicious kids-size cheeseburger along with some onion ring and french fries dipped in fry sauce. I also drank about half of a small Coke. It was super delicious and I definitely enjoyed it, but it's back to the plan.

Tracking, tracking, tracking...

P.S. One day I will share what I started out on here...when I'm further away from that number. :)

Viva La Resistance!



Week Nine - TEN PERCENT!!

Well I have finally made my first goal: I've lost ten percent of my body weight! I lost another 4.2 pounds last week, bringing me up a little past 10 percent! WOOHOO! This is something that is really emphasized in Weight Watchers and it seemed like a good first goal. I don’t know why, but I’m still nervous about setting an ultimate goal. I guess I’m afraid of not getting there and being extremely disappointed in myself. When that ultimate goal seems a little closer and more achievable, I’ll put it in writing. Anyway, my first goal – done! Ten percent! YAY! It hasn't been easy, but it wasn't extremely difficult either. I've done it by simply eating better! I've done some walking here and there, but I really need to step up my game in the fitness department.

Looking back on the last couple months, I’m quite impressed with myself! Amazing changes have happened in the last little while:

  • My fridge is stocked with Fresca, Diet Root Beer and Diet Sunkist! This may not seem like a big deal to a lot of people, but I have never (read: NEVER!!) been a non-Coke drinker in my entire life! I can’t get into Diet Coke, but just the fact that I now buy sugar-free sodas at the store is a huge thing for me!

  • I went to Chili’s for a friend’s birthday and instead of having the chicken fingers & french fries that I've had EVERY TIME (yes, I am a creature of habit) since I've been going there, I had a veggie burger with steamed veggies, black beans and corn on the cob! Oh and I liked it! Even my brother noticed the change and commented on it!

  • I've been to the State Fair, Wendover, weddings, bridal & baby showers over the last couple months. All of them were, of course, decked out with fabulous food. At every single event, I ate most of the food that was provided (some things I just had to say ‘no’ to). BUT…I ate smaller portions of what foods I did eat. I enjoyed the eclairs, corn dogs, buffets, cake, and every thing else, but this time I took smaller portions, ate slower and relished in what I had.

As a reward for losing 10 percent, I’m going to go out to eat. Something sinfully delicious! HAHA! I know it sounds crazy! I just lost all this weight – why would I go ruin it?? But here’s the truth: I love food. I love to sit down with family and friends and enjoy an outdoor barbecue, or a cozy restaurant filled with warm smells, or Sunday dinner with my family when we’re “ooohh-ing & aaahh-ing” over my mom’s fabulous dinner. I love to cook from a new recipe that calls for lots of interesting ingredients and fills my apartment with exotic smells. I love food! I always will. The staple of pretty much everyone’s gathering is food! And there’s nothing wrong with that. Some people dedicate their lives to preparing food because they love it so much!

I started this whole thing to change how I am, not who I am. I am not the girl who will never eat greasy burgers. However, I am (or am becoming) the girl that enjoys part of a greasy burger on special occasions. I’m giving myself a “reward day” (I refuse to say cheat), but I’m still going to try and keep it within reason. I emphasize part because that is my goal with this treat – to not clean my plate. I’m going to enjoy some of the foods that I really, really enjoy – just in a healthier way.

A super-big thanks goes out to my family and friends for being so supportive! Who knew that I had such a rock-star cheering section behind me?! I love ya’ll!

Viva La Resistance!



I just wanted to say that I'm extremely proud and grateful to live in this amazing country.

Never forget.


Week Eight

1.8 more pounds! WOO!

Viva La Resistance!


A Couple Things

...I heard from the vet on Friday. NO CANCER!!!! WOO! The lump was a Stage I hystiocytoma. That type of lump can go either way (benign or cancerous) if left on, but the vet said it looked like she got it all with surgery. YAY! I'm taking Lola to the vet this afternoon to get her bandage removed and purchase another fashionable cone! HAHA!

...I went to the Utah State Fair on Saturday afternoon. Lord, I love me some fair! I saw my heart's fill of NASCAR, big hair and spandex! WOO! I also indulged in some AWESOME carny food! I had to! It was the fair! I saved my points up and did pretty well, but I guess the weekly weigh-in tomorrow night will tell for sure...

...Staci Lou, Grandma Lou and CHUCK! (Charlei) were in town for Traci's bridal shower this weekend. I had a great time hanging out with them on Friday and Saturday. I'm excited for Traci's wedding to see ALLLLLL of the fam!!!

...Less than three weeks until I leave for hunting!!!!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOO! I'm so excited! I found a great camo backpack at the fair on Saturday for only $10!!! I don't need much else, but I've already started my list of things to pack. YAY! Hunting! Camping!!!!!

...One month! One week! Vegas! MIRANDA FREAKIN' LAMBERT! Trying to maintain calm. Not workin. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


Another Day...Another Cast...

Lola made it through surgery yesterday with no problems. She was groggy all day yesterday, but feeling quite well this morning as she tore around the grass while I yelled at her to calm down. LOL! I won't know for a couple days on the results of the lump. Here are some pics of The Grizz in all her cast-y glory! :)


Week Seven

Sank another three pounds last night! WOO!

Viva La Resistance!


Update on Lola

Lola's having surgery tomorrow morning to remove the lump on her leg. They'll also send it to a lab to determine whether or not it's cancerous. Thanks to everyone who called or texted me over the weekend. Lola and I had a fun weekend up camping together and I've been trying not to think about it. I'm staying positive. Positive. Positive. Positive.

I'll let everyone know when I find out about the results...

Camping Pics - Labor Day Weekend 2008

We made it back from camping up in the Uintas. We ended up leaving on Sunday because there was a big storm that rolled in that afternoon. The camping trip was pretty lazy. We ate a lot, drank a lot, played cards, hiked a little, rode 4-wheelers, and had some great camp fires! My new tent was awesome! Lola had fun - she managed to be the dirtiest in camp! Oh and I saw a bear! Yeah! Scary! I freaked myself out both nights with all of the different sounds then I finally saw one! Although, the minute I shined my flashlight on it, it took off faster than you could blink. LOL! So much for me being afraid! I managed to do pretty well eating-wise, but I didn't keep track. I guess I'll find out how well I did (or didn't) do tonight. I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!! :)