

I am wrestling with a decision right now. Things have been going well on the eating front, but I haven't been to a WW meeting for three weeks. Holidays, school stuff...you know how it goes. Here's the thing: do I give up WW and join the gym? I unfortunately cannot do both. WW is about $36/month; the gym would be about $30/month. I am not doing anything on the exercise front right now. I take Lola for the occasional short walk, but that's pretty much it. My eating has rocked lately, though. Of course I could always do better (who couldn't?!), but compared to my old eating habits, I'm doing really, really well. I don't eat out anymore, I eat every 2-3 hours, I only drink diet drinks, I track everything I eat, and I watch my portions. I think that's the biggest: watching my portions! More than anything, my subconscious is now constantly screaming, "ONLY ONE! YOU ONLY NEED ONE SCOOP! STOP! ONLY A HALF PIECE!" LOL! It's true. I eat (almost) anything I want, but I eat less of it. If I want some of my mom's "Hell-in-a-Handbasket Pasta", I eat some. But, I only eat ONE reasonable scoop and I DON'T throw on extra cheese. If there's biscuits, I eat ONE HALF of a biscuit. Yeah I want two scoops and three biscuits, but I've come to understand that some is better than none. BUT...I'm in no way to the end-point of developing a perfect eating habit. Honestly, I know it's something I'll have to work on the rest of my life. I mean who doesn't?

I'm obviously leaning towards giving up WW meetings and joining the gym, but well I wouldn't be the little blogger I am today without hammering it out on here! HAHA! I have all of the materials and the knowledge of WW, but I'll be giving up the support. In trade, I'll gain the gym. I'm not going to pretend I'm about to become some little gym rat, but even if I only make it two times a week, I suppose that's better - at least it's better than right now. That little bit in combination with the WW food-tracking system.................... Hmmm.

1 amigos said...:

jer and lous crew said...

i would say as long as your focused on a goal and an end result...your living healthier and eating better and can keep that up without the support...go for the GYM...i know it would have been a ton easier for me if i would have been up there with the support..i'm still down 10 and haven't gained it back so onward and upward...good luck in you decision....love you tons