
Memorial Day Weekend 2008

Well...after a little bit of a rough start, I made it down to Monticello! YAY! The weather was back and forth...mostly back, as in COLD and RAINY! But, it did clear up long enough to give us one beautiful day for some awesome 4-wheeling! Honorable mentions of the weekend...

...Getting stuck in the Rhino with Breckyn & Chuck and then Breckyn telling me I should try putting it in gear! HAHAHA! Love that kid!

...Riding with Ashley on the long, jump-filled trail! So fun! GIRLS RULE!

...J-Lo's magical dutch-oven potatoes! MMMM!

...Lola Grizzle, aka Dirt Dog, aka Camp Dog, aka My Bub! She always makes me smile and laugh whether she's chasing me on the Rhino, sneezing, digging in the sand, or just cuddling up to me at night. :)

...Being able to spend time with my little cousins. They're getting so big! I will never get tired of their cute faces asking ME (of all people!) to take them for a ride or to help them on their 4-wheeler!

...Laughing by the campfire with my aunts & uncles. Between the sound effects and stories...I learned waaaay too much this weekend! BUWAHAHAHAHA!

I hope everyone else had a lovely weekend, even if the weather did suck! Here's some hot-dog wishes and dirt-filled dreams going out to you! :D

Pics... WOO!

1 amigos said...:

Adam and Sarah said...

i LOVE the pic of Lola digging in the sand. she's looks like she's saying, "don't take a picture of me, i'm digging in the sand. go away." she totally has some major attitude!!! cute! :D