
What the?!?! I have a child!

When I was younger, my mom would have to come into my room, flip on the light and rip the covers off of me to get me out of bed in the mornings. I'm a little better at it now, but having to leave the warm cocoon that is my bed in the mornings just feels like punishment! Anyway, every once in a while, she'd come sit on my bed and rub my back and sweetly tell me that it was time to get up (I love you for those times, my Mudda). Yeah...I found myself doing that this morning...to MY DOG! LOL! About two seconds after I crawl out of bed in the mornings, Lola will burrow under my covers and sleep until I make her wake up to go outside to potty. I wake her up by pulling back the covers, rubbing her belly and softly telling her it's time to get up! WHAT THE?!?! Every once in a while she's hell-bent on staying in bed, so I have to rip back the covers, smack my hands together and tell her to get her hairy ass out of bed! LOL! I apparently have a child!

3 amigos said...:

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

LMAO that's so awesome! XD

Adam and Sarah said...

Holy crap! That's freakin' hysterical!

Anonymous said...

it was funnest to grab the covers and yell very loudly - but occasionally I had to be the nice mom - but that was never as much fun - hee hee hee

love you lots - kid that rotten dog's ass!!!

your mudda