
Leaving on a Jet Plane

I am finished with finals! YAY! I took my last test on Wednesday and I feel pretty good about everything. My medical terminology final was...fun. I made up some wicked medical conditions and had a couple "I have no clue" answers. HAHA! Good times right there. :) My grades will be ready next Wednesday. I know I have two A's right now. WOO! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for two more A's in my other classes.

A little bit of tragic news now. Well not so much tragic, as I'm mostly going to complain about being an adult. LOL! My laptop seems to be taking a dive for the worse. I was taking my online communications final on Tuesday night and my laptop died in the middle of my test! AHHH NOOO! Luckily, my professor reset the test and I got to complete it. WHEW! I think I'm going to have to buy a new computer in the near future, though. :/ Unfortunately, school is not cheap. My loans only cover a small portion of my tuition so I'm left to make monthly payments that could quite honestly pay for a nice apartment. That and I'm trying to pay as much as I can towards my loans so I don't graduate with a mountain of debt. Truth is, when I start working in my new field, I'll start at the bottom and take a decent pay cut which means less money to pay for loans. All signs point towards me loving this so it honestly doesn't scare me too much - I just have to be financially smart in the meantime. It mostly means sacrificing vacations, driving an old car, being and adult and all that crapola. Geh. Planning for the future kinda blows! :P

I leave for San Francisco in about three hours! WOOT WOO! I'm so excited! I had a plane ticket I bought last year that I never used (thank you very much, butthead), so I was lucky and flipped it over for a small price. HUZZAH! I love school, but having a little bit of time off is going to rule! I only have a week off, but it's all good...I start doing rounds & clinic next quarter! EEEE!

"I'm leaving on a jet plane, I don't know when I'll be back again. Oh babe, I hate to go..." Just kidding. I'll be back on Monday and I'm excited as hell to git outta here! MUWAHAHAHA! I love you all! xoxoxAC

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