

I woke up to the sound of my neighbor's car alarm this morning. I found it quite rude and impolite. Well...until I glanced at my phone and 6:24 AM screamed back at me.

AHHHH! WHAT?!?!?! What happened to 5 AM?!

For the record, I love these mornings. Washing my face, cleaning my ears, and brushing my teeth...at the same time? Talent. Skidding around corners while pulling on socks, pants and a shirt? Skill. Catching my dog sleepily watch the chaos from the warm bed? Pure humor.

*yawn* Good Morning. :)

2 amigos said...:

jer and lous crew said...

kisses to miss lola...love you tons...time for a new background i say...let the SNOW GO...and bring on the SUNSHINE...loves

Coonboy said...

hhheeelllooo!!!! immmm aaa ccarrrr!!!! oooiilll issss myyyy bloooodddd!!!! bbbaacccckkkk seeeeaattt..... truuuunkkkkk sppppaacccceeee!!!!