
Lola Grizzle :D

Well everyone knows Lola, but she asked me this morning (after she climbed into the shower and ate some shampoo) to dedicate a post and give everyone a little background... Lola Grizzle was born September 25, 2006 and is a pure-bred Boston Terrier. She eats expensive dog food from IFA, thinks George is a stupid face cat (author agrees), and would vote for harsher penalties for parole violators if she had opposable thumbs. The vet told her a couple weeks ago that she needed to lose 2-3 pounds, or approximately 10% of her body weight. In response to that, Lola took a dump in the vet's office! HUZZAH!

Lola responds to Cletus, Bee, Poo-Face and "Lola Bucket Grizzle, the Medieval Warrior" (that's a whole other post...love you Mel!). Her favorite entrees include cardboard, Canine-Carry-Out treats and leftover tuna fish juice. She loves (read: LOOOVES!!!) everyone, but Lynn (my dad) seems to be her favorite. If Lola could talk, I'm pretty sure she'd say this about him: "Lynn?! LYNN!!! HEY BEST FRIEND! I love you! This is my ball and you can have it! I love you! Where are you going, my best friend?!?! I'm coming! I'll follow! I LOVE YOU!" I'm sure my dad feels the same way. Riiiight.

Besides destroying random toys and sneaking into my bed in the middle of the night, Lola's mission is to rid the world of all evil-doers! These include, but are not limited to: the garbage truck, little kids on bikes or skateboards, my hair straightener, the vacuum and helium-filled balloons. Oh and extremely fat people in long skirts. Or in Lola's world...unnatural walking tents. Meh.

1 amigos said...:

jer and lous crew said...

loves to the grizz.....can't wait to see you both she is such a HOTTIE.....loves