
Primm/Vegas Quotes

Funny quotes from the trip...

*knock*knock* “EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”
--Katie decided it was funny to knock on random people’s doors at the hotel. And yes, we were drunk. This particular quote came after she knocked on my mom and Staci’s door then took off running at turbo speed. We were later informed that out speed wasn’t so turbo, as Staci saw and heard us rounding the corner laughing and trying to run drunk.

“F*ck you, KATIE!”
--Drunk me, making fun of Katie as I almost ripped my suitcase off the table and fell over.

“…Bobby…Bobby…Bobby…Baby Jesus…Bobby…” (repeat X 100)
--Katie and I, drunk and trying to remember Ricky Bobby’s name from “Talladega Nights”. We knew he liked Baby Jesus and he had “Bobby” in his name and that was pretty much all we had going for us. LOL!

“Ummm…I don’t have any pants on…”
Drunk Katie stating the obvious, as she stood on top of her hotel bed…with no pants on.

“It’s like we’re thinking the SAME THING!”
--Okay, so I didn’t really say this. I just thought it would’ve been funny to say it after Miranda Lambert told me we should be friends because of our love for cute shoes and deer hunting. Lucky for me, I kept my mouth shut so security wouldn’t have to be called. LOL!

“F*CK! We smelled like hot dogs and we forgot our cameras!”
--Mine and Katie’s sad realization that we smelled of giant $1.00 hot dogs and didn’t have a camera after we ran into Miranda Lambert’s band.

--Me telling Staci the name of Chris Brown’s song. “Sandlot” was not lost on me. LOL!

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