
Week Thirteen

YAY! I lost 3.8 pounds last week! WOO! Technically, it was 1.2 from my previous low, but yeah...I'm back down and even below from before I went on vacation. I'm trying to be good this week before I head out to Vegas (VEGAS!!!). My goal in Vegas is to not gain. Hopefully I'll be able to eat what I want (somewhat...I'm not going all out), but keep that in check with walking and swimming. I'm also packing healthy snacks to keep in my purse while I'm there and for the drive...if I'm gonna cheat, it's gonna be at the Cheesecake Factory - not a car. After Vegas, it's back to work hard-core again...I'm hoping to make my goal of losing 25% of my original weight by the end of the year. New Year...New Me. :)

Viva La Resistance!!

2 amigos said...:

Anonymous said...

Good Work - I am going to get my shit together when we get back from VEGAS!!!!

I am going to use that gym membership and get going with the trainer..........YEAH

Love Ya Lots!!

Viva Las Vegas

Your Mudda

jer and lous crew said...

way to go girlie....can't wait for friday...see you soon...loves