
Christmas Goodies

Lola and I took a walk yesterday. I got home and even though it was cold and already getting dark, I just felt like walking. Lola did too. :) We walked down to the river bottoms, then back up and around the block. And then I checked my mail. This is a grand statement, as I don't check my mailbox often...thank-you-very-much online billing! My mailbox was stuffed full with the usual obligatory junk, but below that was a lovely array of green, red and white envelopes, stuffed full of cute Christmas goodies! I have good intentions of sending Christmas cards every year, and I even thought about taking a picture of Lola & me, and then going to Walgreen's, but once again...I didn't make it happen. One day when I have loads of time, I will send cute Christmas cards...along with finishing that book, making that quilt, and taking that yoga class. LOL! Anyway, I just wanted to send a quick thank you to everyone that sent me Christmas cards. I love you all so much and I spent a good deal of time last night pouring over your cards, letters and pictures. You all make me laugh, smile and just feel insanely thankful to have such wonderful people in my life! Thank you!! :D

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