
"I'm a neurosurgeon - I operate on brains."

So last night I went to the bar with a few friends from school. We decided to have a beer to celebrate all of us passing the math competency test in Pharmacology. We went right after class, so we were all in our scrubs. This conversation ensued:

Random man:
"Hey! Like I noticed that you're all wearing like uniforms so I had to come over. So what are they for?"

"Uhh...they're scrubs - hospital uniforms actually. I'm a neurosurgeon - I operate on brains. And these guys are my scrub nurses. We just finished a 16-hour surgery so we decided to come have a beer."

Random man:
"Really? That's awesome. Like...I bet you make a lot of money and sh*t, huh!"

"Yep. But I don't let it affect me, hence why I'm hanging out in this little dive bar, drinking cheap beer."

Random man:
"Wow. Seriously. I totally respect that. Like...that's so cool and sh*t."

"I know, my friend. I know."

And then he left. Yep. Pretty much gonna wear my scrubs everywhere now. LOL! ;)

3 amigos said...:

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Lol oh that's awesome! That poor poor man X}
HEY! And yes I have a Christmas card for you! It's in the mail as of tomorrow :) I've been slacking on going to get stamps. Meh.

Adam and Sarah said...

lol! That is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Lol! Nice.