

I work in an old, historic building.
There are a lot of big windows with
exposed brick walls and open ceilings.

It's "edgy" and "urban". It's also FUH-REEEEZING!

In an effort to be a team player, I proposed the following today:

I decided that our space heaters are pointless,
as heat rises and is lost. In an effort to trap said heat,
I'm pretty sure blanket forts are in order.

Some at work called me a crazy trouble-maker,
but I prefer the term "visionary".

2 amigos said...:

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

AHAHAHA!!! Fantastic idea!! I especially love the corresponding image ;}

Adam and Sarah said...

HAHAHAHA! The pic is hilarious! YOU are hilarious! I love it!