
Christmas Vacate

Lola and I are on vacation. YUSSSS!

I finished up my finals last week...two days before Christmas. Oh and I rocked them. Yep. I got two A's and a B which I'm super happy with. Last quarter was tough. I thought about cracking a few times, but my good little mama kept me sane and chugging along.

Christmas was amazing. I got hooked up with a new camera, an ice-cream-ball-maker-thing (WHAT?!), de-stressing lotions & potions, new shoesies, grocery & gas gift cards, pink pajamas... I got other stuff too. Lots of other stuff. Yes, I am a lucky, lucky girl. Lola got a $25 gift card to Petsmart. She's really excited. So excited, she might go in and poop on Petsmart's floor...again. :)

Next up is New Years and then school. Only one week off, but one week that I'm taking full advantage of. I've been going to the gym with my dad during the day, and back again at night with my mom. Between those times, I hang out, walk around, watch movies, and cuddle up on Lola. Yes, vacation life is gooood.

I may or may not update my blog during the rest of my time off. Of course, that would warrant me doing something this week worthy of an update. Like something other than me thinking about cleaning my place...

P.S. With my new camera around, I plan on actually putting up pictures in my posts now. Cool, right?! Too bad my camera and I are fighting right now. It's being bitchy about memory cards and crap. What-ever.


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