
A letter...

Dear Blog,

Sometimes I get nervous and it shows in my skin. Stupid skin. I'm nervous about lots of stuff. I feel great responsibility to prove myself in so many different areas right now. I feel like my intelligence, my patience, my hair (hello, two-inch roots), my loyalty, my horsemanship, my physical prowess (I had to look that one up), my willpower, my tears, my steady hands, and my ability to survive on too little sleep are all being tested. Right now. It weighs heavy on my shoulders, but I understand. I know it is all a part of the Great Escape Plan and that someday it will be worth it. I can handle a lot, but seriously...I cannot handle my stupid skin. That's all.


1 amigos said...:

jer and lous crew said...

acutain...not sure if that is how you spell it or if they even give it out anymore...did wonders for me just a thought...love you