
Makes me want to get a dirty job...

A couple things...

The weekend was glorious! I ate a super delicious hamburger on Saturday, laughed my butt off playing lots of cards with friends, drank some American beer and waved sparklers for the 4th of July. Seriously. Is there anything better? :)

In my bid to get more organized and have a pretty place, I bought a new desk and book shelf from Ikea. Since I started school again, I've managed to assemble quite the collection of massive medical books and my kitchen pantry wasn't cutting it as a holding space. Anyway, I got my computer all set up, went to put a shelf on the little computer stand and realized I put the frickin' thing together wrong. Brilliant, A.C. Brilliant.

My best friend Adrien is coming into town on Friday. YAY! I haven't seen her since Christmas so I'm super stoked! She's getting married next year in June and has asked me to be the maid of honor. Awww...I'm so excited! I'm going wedding dress shopping with her on Monday. Can't wait!

Lastly, I watched "Dirty Jobs" on Discovery channel last night. Love that show! If a "Dirty Jobs" (or "Deadliest Catch") marathon is on, I'm pretty much screwed - I can't stop watching! It doesn't help that Mike Rowe is f*ckin HOT! HOT! My cousin Angie told me that my cousin Syd saw him in a bar in San Francisco once. LUCKY! HAHA! Makes me want to go get a dirty job... Mmmm! HOT! :P

1 amigos said...:

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

I was just wondering if they have any new episode coming. I haven't seen it in forever!
And yes - Mike Rowe is pretty dang hot! And such a sexy voice. Ahhhhh.... :)