
Pharm?! *heh* Good luck.

I had my first Pharmacology class last night.

pharm- : relating to drugs or medicine
-ology : the study of
( HA! Take that former-medical-terminology-class! :P )

I started getting a little nervous about this class when random students would walk in, ask what class we were in, then laugh a little and say, "Good luck." HAHA! "Uh...thanks?" It's apparently one of the toughest classes in the program! And that was pretty much confirmed last night when we simply went over what we would be learning. I think my head might actually get a little bigger this quarter with all of the information I'm about to cram into it!

I am super excited about this class, though. And yes, I know I say that about every class I take! I just feel like I'm really getting into the thick of things now! When people ask me why their veterinarian prescribed certain meds or can I help them with different treatments, I can start saying, "YES!" and, "Would you like a full blood workup with that because I'm awesome at hitting veins the first time!!" BHAAAA!

Seriously, life rules the cool school. La la laaaaaa!

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