
Bad blogger say WHAAAAA?

Oh I know, I know...I’m a bad blogger. Bad! One day when I’m done with school and I only have to worry about work, I’m sure I’ll blog more. My friend Sara Lizbeth blogs pretty much every day. Every day! I love reading her blog and all my other friend and family’s blogs. That little page visit you see from “Salt Lake City” - yeah, that’s probably me. But yeah, one day I’ll be an every-day-blogger. For now, I’m lucky to do one a week, which obviously wasn’t the case last month, though. HAHA! Moving on!

So much has happened in the last three weeks! For one, I moved. Yep. I moved. Again. My little brother moved up his wedding date a little, so moving became the hot topic of conversation. I wasn’t planning on moving until I had to, but I had a really good opportunity open up. Some family friends own an apartment complex and they were oh-so-generous and helped me with a place to live. It’s a one-bedroom apartment and I love it. It reminds me of the apartment I used to share with my friend, Katie. It’s clean, it smells good, it’s bright...it’s...Girl World. YUSSS! I’m also back on my own again which has honestly been sooo lovely! I loved living with my brother, but only worrying about Lola and myself is just grand! And even though the rent is higher than what I was paying, I’ll still be able to go to school and afford to do some of things I love like camping and stuff. Yay for that. :)

School continues to move along. I love school. I know I say it all of the time, but I really do. In the past, my college track record wasn’t so great - I was easily distracted, I missed classes, I got bored... :/ Yeah. This time has been different. For one, I have perfect attendance so far. There have been a few nights when I’ve been utterly tired and don’t want to go, but then I get there and all is forgotten. I’m continuously fascinated by what I learn every night, then I’m fascinated by the questions raised from what I’m learning every night, then fascinated about what I’m learning when I find out the answers to those questions! Phew! It’s a vicious cycle! LOL! I seriously have a notebook of questions that I’m constantly writing down during lectures. We’ll be talking about antibodies and my mind starts racing about genetics, then we’ll be talking about stomachs and I start thinking about bloat problems... I know my questions will be answered as I move into upper-level classes, but it’s hard to wait - I want to tie everything together NOW! HAHA! So anyways, I’m elbow-deep in dissecting cats...Mmmmm!, learning more clinic skills involving blood and microscopes and centrifuges (oh my!), and getting better at wrestling a hissing cat that DOES NOT want his temperature taken, but someone’s gotta do it so I’m gonna do it - by myself! SO TAKE THAT, CUJO CAT! AHHH! Yeah, my weekly shift of doing rounds never fails to be dull. LOL! XD

I’m still doing the 10K in...less than two weeks! AHHH! My whole training program fell to the wayside due to the events over the past three weeks, but I’m still doing it dammit! If all else, I’ll walk the whole thing. My friend Katie signed up so I’m super stoked to be doing it with her. Zach and Mel are also doing it, but they’re skinny runner people so they can wait for us at the finish line! HAHA! In all honestly, I would like to really start training to actually jog a big race. Maybe I’ll be up for something big next year in the Spring...

So that is my life as of late. Between finding a place to live, moving, working over-time at work, dealing with midterms, having late nights at school and holding all of that together...I was...exhausted. Last week was pretty hard. I honestly felt like I was on the verge of a teary breakdown on Thursday and Friday. I just wanted to sleep, not think and NOT MOVE anything else. Luckily, I managed to have a pretty slow weekend that included a girls’ night with my aunt, Katie’s fun housewarming/birthday party and then a lazy Sunday night spent with Lola Grizzle and an excellent “Hannah Montana” marathon. Yes, I love “Hannah Montana”. (“No-show Faux-Beau say WHAAAA?” BUWAHAHA!) I am happy to report that I don’t have any plans this weekend whatsoever! So that will be even lovelier.

I’d like to report that I spent a good ten minutes with some cute baby lambs yesterday morning. Awwwww! Baby lambies! That’s a whole other story, but for the short time, they were sunshine for the soul. That and it’s June. Springtime. *smiles*


2 amigos said...:

Adam and Sarah said...

Yay for knowing what is happening in your life! :D So it's all good about the blanket -- you definately should wait until he's here anyway so then you have the perfect excuse to see us! I can't believe how slacking we are -- we still haven't done dinner. You still chat with Katie much?

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Bha - 'skinny runner people!' I love it!! XD
And moving again?! Man on man - but yay for girlie AC and Lola time - woot woo!
You rock my world lady - keep up the good attendance!