
Blackjack and Wedding Cake

A couple things...

  • I bought our tickets for the Miranda Lambert concert in Vegas!! WOOHOO! I'm so excited! I can't wait to see Ran in concert again. It's going to be a big, fun girls weekend in VEGAS! I just wish it were time to hit the road!

  • "We got three big weeks ahead of us. It's wedding season, kid!" WOO! Yeah...not really. If only wedding season were as fun as they make it out to be in "Wedding Crashers". I'm in the midst of baby showers, wedding showers, bachelorette parties, and weddings right now. I really don't mind. It's always good times to see friends and family, but I'll be happy when I'm not making a weekly trip to Target to buy gift cards!

  • The cousins are in town this weekend for TRACI'S BACHELORETTE PARTY! We're headed to Wendover on Saturday night for some good 'ol debauchery! Yeah! I'm hoping to hit it big this time. Riiight. Anywho, always happy to hang out with the cousins!

  • I went to my weekly Weight Watchers meeting last night. Four pounds! YAY! I'm officially karate-chopping weight's ass right now! HAHA! Viva La Resistance!
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. Blackjack and wedding cake wishes for all!

1 amigos said...:

Adam and Sarah said...

Congrats on your 4 pounds -- that's stupendous, Ace! :D Also congrats on your tickets to the Miranda Lambert concert. That'll be so awesome for you, wahoo!

Also, don't worry, I won't be posting ANY spoilers AT ALL about the 4th Twilight book. So you don't have to be on edge about that -- at least not from my blog. I'd be super pissed if someone did that to me, so I won't be doing it to anyone else. I'll only say what I did: I enjoyed the book! :) Let me know how you like it, though when you are able to read it!