
Gobbley Goop

My lovely friend Sarah who I used to work with back in the day (and miss terribly) posted THE cutest pics of her baby girl eating Goobley Goop! Awww...love it! For those of you who don't know, Gobbley Goop is a cheesy dip you eat with tortilla chips. It's a secret family recipe that's been passed down generation to generation...dating back to ancient times...back before refried beans had even been fried! It's so guarded that in order to posess this recipe, one must know the sacred dance and chant...which is just basically the "Truffle Shuffle" followed by a stirring rendition of "I Like to Sing-a", but either way! HAHA!

I hope Sarah doesn't mind, but this is her little girl enjoying the delicious-ness! The Gobbley Goop Gods have smiled upon her! :)

3 amigos said...:

Anonymous said...


Back before beans were fried!!!

you crack me up!!

love you lots

your mudda

Adam and Sarah said...
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Adam and Sarah said...

I most certainly do NOT mind! :) Love the post... it brought back the days of proving myself worthy of receiving the secret that is the Gobbley Goop Recipe. Dancing the sacred dance and chanting the sacred chant all in the building of the Leavitts. Ahhh... the good ol' days... :D