
Miranda & George - CMA's

I watched the Country Music Awards last night. *yawn* Talk about a hella-long show! The show was three hours (too) long - they only handed out nine awards! The sound seriously sucked too! It was awesome to hear Miranda Lambert sing "More Like Her" on the show last night, though. Here are a few of my favorite pics...

Miranda Lambert on the red carpet. I think one of the reasons that I just adore Miranda Lambert (besides LOVING her music) is that she's "real". She's not some super skinny little starlet that you can't relate to - she loves her chicken fried steak and french fries and is damn proud of it! LOL! She's just...lovely and refreshing. :)
Miranda performing "More Like Her". I love this song - it's so beautiful and different! She wrote this song by herself. The video is in an earlier post - go watch it!

George Strait performing on the show last night. Miranda is definitely right up there in my favorite artists, but George...awww George. There's no words. He's just George. I never get tired of his music - it's classic and familiar. It doesn't hurt that he's so damn cute too! :P

2 amigos said...:

Anonymous said...

George is sssssoooooo hot!!!

I want that white dress to wear to my next christmas party..........

I love you so much

your mudda

Adam and Sarah said...