
Thanksgiving Break Review

Well I definitely enjoyed my time off this last week. Thanksgiving was wonderful - it was just me, my mom, dad and brother. We ate some super delicious food and enjoyed our day. I seriously love my mama's food!

My mom and I worked on Christmas cards together and I got all mine done. They're not "Stampin' Up" cards, but they turned out really cute. I'm trying to decide whether or not to include a picture of me and Lola with the cards... LOL! Super cheesy? I can't decide. Other than the cards, I finished up the craft-makin' break by hemming up my brother's living room curtains. I feel the need to add that when I was hanging them up, I stepped the wrong way off the chair and the corner of the back jabbed my butt! HAHA! It's funny, but yeah...I cried...by myself. Oh and now I have an AWESOME ass bruise! MMMM! I'm looking forward to finishing up this quarter of school so I can make my own apron during my break.

Speaking of school, I have about three more weeks and I'm done with this quarter! YAY! It's went really well - I have an "A" right now in both of my courses! I'm really, really, REALLY excited to start my veterinary medicine classes next quarter, though!

Last but not least, I went and hung out in the desert by a bonfire last night. Good times, good times. Those of us that were too poor or had to work that couldn't make it to Moab this weekend, went out last night to the west desert, aka "Mini Moab". It was soooo fun! Crazy, but fun! We burned pallets last night and it was seriously so warm! I expected to freeze, but I walked around most of the night in a long-sleeve t-shirt. I also went out wheeling in a friend's jeep with my brother and another friend and yeah...we broke down. Well, we got a flat front tire. Needless to say, we limped back the two or three miles to camp on three tires and a rim (apparently rock crawler rims are only $50 bucks!) through the dirt. It was so stupid, but we laughed the entire way back - the WHOLE HOUR! HAHA! Nelly Furtado's "Maneater" song will never mean the same thing again! LOL! Lordie, I love my friends! :)

Oh also...CONGRATULATIONS SARAH!! My cutest ever friend is pregnant with her second baby! I'm so excited for her and her family. I'm also excited to make some baby blankets! WOO! Congrats, Sarah! :D

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