
Week Eighteen

It's a day of poo-ey posts. I gained 0.2 pounds last week. Sucks. Granted, it's 0.2 pounds, but I haven't had a major down week in a long time so it's kinda frustrating. My baby brother convinced me last night that it's time to get back to the gym. I actually really like the gym, but I've been so hesitant about joining again since I have no idea what's going to happen with my life in the next couple months. I'm going to school half-time right now which still leaves me ample free time, but I'm starting full-time next quarter (January) - two in-class courses and two online ones. At the very least, I was convinced that only going once or twice a week is still better than nothing at all - that and the fact that I have a nagging (read: awesome) baby brother that will go with me and keep me motivated. I've made huge leaps & bounds in changing my eating habits the last couple months, so I guess this will be the next piece of the puzzle - the completed puzzle being WORLD DOMINATION! WOO! Just kidding...the end result being a skinny ass! So yeah...it was a minor gain week. Sucks. I'd just like to complete this post by bitching about double Biology homework this week, pompous-ass men that irritate the piss out of me and girls that put their makeup on in their car on the way to work (GAH!!). Pretty much all things deserving of a swift kick to the shin! LOL!


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